Wednesday, October 26, 2016

How to do an online entry

Mary Kay Fosnacht, our regional SAQA representative, has put together this excellent presentation on how to do online entries.  It has a lot of great material, I encourage you to look through it! You can click through slide by slide using the arrow key at the bottom of the frame, or use the drop down arrow to the right of "slide 1" at the bottom of the frame to jump to a specific slide of interest.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Group Meeting Report

The Kansas City regional SAQA group meet on October 15th at Mary Kay Fosnacht's house.  Below is a report of their meeting.

One of the artists at show and tell (pictured) was James Brown.  He showed his WWI memorial quilt which took first place at the Twilight Quilters Guild show

15 attendees at the home of Mary Kay Fosnacht

1.      Introductions
2.      How to Submit an Online Entry – Mary Kay Fosnacht (Keynote presentation to be posted separately)
3.      Update on auction quilt exhibit
a.      Cindy Brendzel has been in contact with Lenexa City Hall and they have agreed to have the auction quilts in Feb. 2017 in conjunction with another artists’ exhibit. However, the exact location of where the quilts would be hung is undetermined. The consensus of the member’s present was that we wouldn’t want to step on another artists’ space, and due to security reasons would not want the small auction quilts to be hung in the back or a separate room. Since the location cannot be confirmed, it has been decided to hold off on exhibiting auction quilts as a region in 2017.
b.      Sue Chaffee has been in contact with the Westwood City Hall (47th and Rainbow Blvd). Sue reported that they have exhibit space available Aug, Sept, or Nov of 2017. Since the meeting, Sue has found that the Westwood City hall would welcome us to exhibit 2018 auction quilts in Feb of 2018! Perfect timing for the 2018 auction.
4.      Leedy-Voulkos Committees – (If you were not at the meeting and would like to volunteer in some capacity, let Mary Kay or Karen know.)
a.      Opening reception: Cindy Parry, Jackie Stoaks
b.      Receive Artwork: Karen Hansen and Mary Kay Fosnacht
c.       Book: Cindy Brendzel, Leslie Holmes, Marnie Clawson
d.      Advertising: Mary Kay Fosnacht, Shannon Conley
e.      Hanging: Karen and Mary Kay, Carmen Rinehart, Cindy Parry, Cathy Audley, Leslie Holmes, Claudia Mozur
5.      Meeting Dates for 2017: (watch the newsletter for confirmation of dates and times!)
a.      Quarterly
b.      Third Saturday of the month: Feb. 18th, May 20th, Aug 19th, Oct 21st 
c.       Times: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
d.      Places: TBD
6.      Show and Tell
7.      Studio Tour